The welfare of children and young people is of the highest possible concern for all teachers within The Peri Group. When working within a school setting teachers will always adhere to the school’s local safeguarding policy and, within this, report any concerns directly to the school’s designated safeguarding lead in line with school policy. 

The Peri Group acknowledges it has a responsibility for the safety of children under their temporary care and that a good safeguarding policy protects and benefits both staff and children from erroneous or malicious allegations.

The Peri Group works from 3 main principles:

  • The welfare of the child is paramount.

  • All children, regardless of age, disability, sex, race, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity have the right to equal protection from harm or abuse.

  • Working in partnership with children, their parents or carers and school is essential in promoting children’s welfare.

It is The Peri Group’s policy that:

  • All teachers working with The Peri Group accept a child’s welfare is paramount and they will report any concerns about a child or somebody else’s behaviour regarding a child to the school’s designated safeguarding lead immediately.

  • Any information, allegation or disclosure is reported and recorded accurately on the day of the event and not after.

  • In accordance with The Children Act 1989 which states that ‘the welfare of the child is paramount’, considerations of confidentiality should not over-ride the right of a child to be protected from harm.

  • A culture of mutual respect is fostered between pupil and teacher and the adult should, in all situations, model good practice.

  • All teachers are to provide DBS checks to schools and these are to be held centrally with the Peri Group.

  • All teachers are to complete music-teacher- specific safeguarding training and have a personal responsibility to remain up to date with safeguarding policies and procedures within the schools in which they provide lessons.