1. Fees

Lesson fees are subject to annual review. Where Lesson fees are increased as a result of such a review, the Teacher shall endeavour to give the Student at least one month’s notice of such increase. The Student shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately on written notice to the Teacher without liability to pay for any further Lessons (and to receive a refund in respect of any Lessons for which the Student has paid in advance) in the event that the applicable Lesson fees increase.

2. Missed Lessons

Any Lesson missed by the Student shall be paid for unless otherwise agreed with the Teacher. If the Teacher is unavailable to give any scheduled Lesson, the Lesson will be carried forward to another date. If this is not possible, any fee already paid will be refunded or used to pay for a future Lesson.

3. Additional Lessons

Extra Lessons may be scheduled during holiday periods or at any other time by mutual agreement and at a cost mutually agreed between the Student and the Teacher.

4. Cooling-off Period

a) The Student has a legal right to cancel this agreement under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 during the “cooling o  period” set out in 4(b) below. This means that during that cooling o  period, if the Student changes his/her mind or decides for any other reason that he/she does not want to receive the Lessons, the Student can notify the Teacher of his/her decision to cancel the agreement and receive a refund for any Lessons paid for but not received prior to that cancellation.

b) The Student’s cooling o  period starts from the date of this agreement and ends 14 days later. To cancel the agreement the Student should let the Teacher know that he/she has decided to cancel.

5. Limitation of Liability

a) If the Teacher fails to comply with the terms of this agreement, he/she is responsible for loss or damage the Student su ers that is a foreseeable result of the Teacher’s breach or his/her negligence, but is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.

b) If the Lessons are due to be performed at the Student’s home, the Teacher is responsible for any damage caused by him/her to that property.

c) The Teacher does not in any way exclude or limit his/her liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud, or fraudulent misrepresentation.

6. Goods

From time to time, the Student may request that the Teacher:

a) Supplies them with goods (for example, sheet music, strings or reeds); or

b) Loans them an instrument or other equipment, in connection with the provision of the Lessons or the undertaking of performances and/or examinations.

This agreement is not intended to include provisions applicable to those scenarios, and the Student and the Teacher should mutually agree relevant terms in writing as required.

5. Termination of Agreement

A decision to discontinue Lessons after the cooling o  period may be taken by the Student or the Teacher in which case written notice, the period of which is 4 weeks notice, shall be given by the party seeking to discontinue. In the event that the Student discontinues Lessons with insu cient notice, the Student will be liable to pay fees for those Lessons not taken during the notice period.

6. General

a) Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any breach by the other of any of the terms and conditions herein occasioned by any act of God, war, revolution, riot, civil disturbance, strike, lock-out,  ood,  re or other cause not reasonably within the control of such party. b) The Student undertakes not to make photocopies of any music.

c) Examination entries, festivals, competitions or otherwise will only be entered if the Student and Teacher are in agreement. Any entry fees will be paid for by the Student.

d) The Student is responsible for the insurance of the Student’s instrument.

e) In the interests of the Student’s well-being whilst in the Teacher’s care, the Teacher must be informed of any medical or other condition a ecting the Student.

f) If the Student is under eighteen, the Student’s parent or guardian gives permission for the Teacher to teach the Student.